Densest Subgraphs¶

Density of Subgraph¶

  • Density of a subgraph

    • Density measures how tightly the components inside a subgraph are connected to each other.

    • It does not care about the connectivity with the components outside the subgraph.

  • Mathematically, Density of a subgraph is represented by the following formula:

    \[ D(S) = \frac{e(S,S)}{|S|} ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ - (1)\]
    • e(S,S) is the number of edges between nodes both in S or e(S,S) = { ( x , y ) \(\in\) E ; x \(\in\) S, y \(\in\) S }

    • |S| is the number of nodes in subgraph S.

  • Significance of |S|

    • Simply calculating e(S,S) won’t be enough to determine how tighty the components are connected. For eg, in the figure shown below e(S,S) of Subgraph A is more however we can easily notice that subgraph B is more dense.

    \[ Figure - 1 \]
    • We can’t consider denominator as \({|S|}^{2}\) as   \( \max\limits_{S} \frac{e(S,S)}{{|S|}^{2}} \) is trivial, irrespective of the nature of graph.

    • However   \( \max\limits_{S} \ \frac{e(S,S)}{|S|} \) is non-trivial for different types of graphs.


(|S|)(|S|-1) can’t be considered as denominator (as it becomes zero for |S| = 1) even though it gives a tight upper bound on Density of Subgraph.

Finding Densest Subgraphs¶

Using Decision Problem¶

  • Let us assume the Density of a Subgraph \(\ge\) a constant (say \(\frac{c}{2}\))

  • \( \therefore \frac{e(S,S)}{|S|} \ge \frac{c}{2}\)

  • On Rearranging, \( 2e(S,S) \ge c|S|\)

  • \(\because 2e(S,S) = deg(S) - e(S,\overline{S}) \) ,  \( deg(S) + e(S,\overline{S}) \ge c|S|\)

  • \( deg(S) + deg(\overline{S}) - deg(\overline{S}) - e(S,\overline{S}) \ge c|S| \)

  • We know that, \( deg(S) + deg(\overline{S}) = 2|E|\)

  • \( \therefore 2|E| \ge c|S| + deg(\overline{S}) + e(S,\overline{S})\)                                -  (2)

Max Flow / Min-cut based Algorithm¶

  • Maximum Flow or Min-cut algorithm is an algorithm that gives us the maximum feasible flow through a network or the minimum cuts required to stop the flow through the network.

  • We can find the densest subgraph by using a Decision problem where we need to find if there exist any subgraph S with density more than a fixed value let’s say \( \frac{c}{2}\).

  • Then using binary search it finds the maximum value of c for which there exists a subgraph such that \( \frac{e(S,S)}{|S|}=\frac{c}{2} \)

  • Max Flow Algorithm :-

    • Binary search on value of c

      • Let the original graph be G.

      • Now let us construct a new graph G’ such that it has 2 extra nodes than G (Source and Sink).

      • Connect all the nodes (undirected) in G to the source and assign weight of each edge as the degree of the node. For eg, if degree of node \(\nu\) is \( {d}_{i} \) then assign weight of edge from source to \(\nu\) as \( {d}_{i} \).

      • Connect all the nodes to sink and assign weight of all the edges as c.

      • Run the max flow algorithm (Ford-Fulkerson).

      • It will always return a cut \(\le 2|E|\) .

      • Assign Densest Subgraph as S (Shown in the figure).

      • Repeat all the steps with new value of c as per binary search.

  • The runtime of this algorithm in O(log(C) \({|E|}^{2}\) U), where U is the value of maximum flow.

Analysis of Max-Flow / Min-Cut Algorithm¶

Different cases:¶

Case - 1¶

\[ Figure - 2 \]
  • As you can see in the Figure - 2 that the min cut will atmost be 2|E| and we can always have a cut of less than 2|E|.

  • In this type of cut there is no densest graph since there are no nodes to the left of the cut.

Case - 2¶

\[ Figure - 3 \]
  • In Figure - 3, we can see that there is a subset of nodes which is to the left of min-cut.

  • This Subset satisfies the condition given by the right hand side of the equation \( 2|E| \ge c|S| + deg(\overline{S}) + e(S,\overline{S})\).

  • Hence for maximum value of c, this is the desired densest subgraph.

Author(s): Abhigyan M. Ninama, Chetan Kishore, Shubh Lavti