

  • Distance function L2 type.

  • C = \({C_1,C_2,.......,C_k}\), cost(C) = \(\sum_x\) \(\underset{c_x}{min}\) \(d(x,Cx)^2\),

  • where d is euclidean distance. \(C_x\) is chosen as the nearest point to data X.

Alternative View

Objective : Define best k-clustering of the data by -

  • Minimizing the variance of each cluster. i.e, the cost of K-mean is the variance of the point in each cluster.

  • The mean \(C_i\) = \(\frac{1}{|C_i|}\) \(\sum_{x \epsilon C_i}\)x is the expected location of a point.

  • Therefore, variance of \(C_i\) = \(\sum_{x \epsilon C_i}x\) \(||x - C_i||^2\)


Connection with max likelihood estimation :

Consider the likelihood of set points if center is u, co-variance is \(𝜎^2\)I. Take Gaussian PDF.

p(\(x_1,x_2,.......x_k | 𝜇,\sigma\)) \(\propto\) \(\underset{i}{\prod}\) exp(-\(\frac{|x_i-\mu|^2}{𝜎^2}\)) \(\propto\) exp(-\(\underset{i}{\sum}\) \(\frac{|x_i-\mu|^2}{𝜎^2}\))

Taking log of probability likelihood,

log(p(\(x_1,x_2,.......x_k | 𝜇,\sigma\))) \(\propto\) \(\underset{i}{\sum}\) \(|X_i - 𝜇^2|\) + function(\(\sigma\),dimension).

Likelihood of gaussian is exactly the same as K-means cost of each set of data points.

Choosing Optimal position for Center

Given partition C, C is the proposed center then C must be equal to u. i.e, if optimal center is given then optimal partition can be determined and vice versa.

Lloyd’s algorithm (Iterative algorithm)


  1. Find current centers of partition.

  2. Assign Points to nearest centers.

  3. Recalculate centers.

  4. Iterate the above 3 steps.

Stopping Criteria:-

  1. When no points change clusters.

  2. When cluster centers don’t shift much.


  • K centers, N points, d dimensions

  • Time taken to calculate the new cluster - O(kNd)

  • Time for the new center - O(Nd).

Author(s): Aditya Shakya, Shantanu Sahu, Varun Barala